P.S This is not any sort of advertisement, its just a few recommendations.
Let's get back to our stationery.
- The first thing you should definitely consider is pencils: I always pay attention to brands during stationery shopping. Basically quality matters. A few brands you can definitely consider are Faber Castell , Staedlier , Fabio Ricci etc. You can check http://www.pencils.com/all-brands/ .
- You should stock yourselves with a few pens(red,blue,black and green,in case you need it). Below are a few websites you could consider checking.
- A few more essentials are rulers,scissors,glue,erasers,poster colors and color pencils.You can consider highlighters as well.
- A few binders (recommended: a two inch, three ring binder).
- Dividers to organize materials and papers for each class.
- A planner for noting homework.
That's all for now guys.There are more posts coming up so please subscribe and stay tuned(if i can say that).
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